My good intentions of keeping up with blog writing seem to have not resulted in much. I post frequently on my Facebook page, but seldom seem to have much to say other than brief comments, or at least seldom think to say anything more. I'm not sure if it will, but I really would like that to change. I'd like to be more intentional about sharing progress shots and bits of my process.
In the meantime, for 2015 I've set out to make daily painting a habit. Some friends and fellow artists introduced to me recently Carol Marine's new book on Daily Painting. The idea of daily painting is to create a small work each day (or most days) towards the goal of producing a greater number of works, exploring a wider range of subject matter, and keeping painting fresh and fun. I typically paint large, high-detail pieces that require weeks, if not months, of work. It is sometimes difficult to work for extended periods of time without any gratification of a finished piece. I've only done a handful of these small paintings so far, but I am already hooked and having a blast!
I've joined Carol Marine's site dedicated to the sale of daily paintings and will be posting regularly. The first goes up tomorrow! I will share the link then. In the meantime, here are a few of the first ones I've done, currently available at my physical gallery space at Second April Galerie.
Red Lipstick
Beach Hat
Red Barn